Karen Richardson

Registered Texas Landscape Architect

Landscapes are a living system teaming with individual, yet interconnected, organisms.

Being able to adapt to this dynamic environment is key to surviving and keeps the system thriving.

Only when a Gardner understands their living landscape can a successful garden be created.

My job as a Landscape Architect is to choreograph the ever-evolving dance between all the natural elements, the client, society and time. When each learns, adapts and evolves as one, a semblance of sustainability into the future can be achieved.

What my practice offers:

  • Design Consultations

  • Residential/Commercial/Public Site Design and Development

  • Drainage, garden structures, drives, walks and planting plans

  • Land Planning

Education & Certifications

  • TPWD Texas Wildscapes Certification

  • National Wildlife Federation Certified Habitat

  • Bachelor of Science, Recreation & Parks, TX A&M University

  • Master’s Degree, Landscape Architecture, TX A&M University


The planet belongs to tomorrow.

~ The planet belongs to tomorrow.